9th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research and Manufacturing Technologies
9th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research and Manufacturing Technologies

9th International Conference on Advanced Materials Research and Manufacturing Technologies
The maiden edition of Accra Talent Weekend (ATW) was a dream brought to life through meticulous planning and unwavering dedication. Organized by Grow with Bridge and the Africa Discourse Channel, the event aimed to create a platform for career development and entrepreneurial growth in Ghana.
My name is Richard, ADC’s Managing Editor. I’m co-writing this article with Rita, our ED Operations, whose insatiable desire for Africa’s prospects and progress has set her on a path to help our audience listeners, viewers, and readers stay ahead of the curve in appreciating Africa’s strides
The World Research Forum is glad to organize the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTERS, DATA MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS (ICCDTA-24), which will take place on 20th December-21st December 2024 in Maputo, Mozambique.
The Expo aims to showcase the diverse range of African goods and services, showcase investment opportunities, and promote networking among African nationals and the Diaspora.